Saved By a Beast: A Phoenix Pack Urban Paranormal Read online

  Saved by a


  Phoenix Pack Urban Paranormal

  Jade Royal

  Other Works by

  Jade Royal

  Love is Worth the Sacrifice (Completed Series)

  Two Halves of a Broken Heart

  How Deep is Your Love (Completed Series)


  Is accepting submissions!

  Have you written a captivating urban love story that you’re eager to share with the world? Is your novel action packed, jaw dropping, and addictive? Most importantly, are you ready to jump start your writing career?

  Well, Miss Candice Presents is currently looking for talented, and dedicated authors to add

  to the team. If you feel like you have what it takes, please submit the first five chapters of your completed manuscript to [email protected]

  Urban fiction

  Urban romance

  Women’s fiction

  Urban paranormal

  © 2018

  Published by Miss Candice Presents

  All rights reserved.

  This is a work of fiction.

  Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner.

  Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

  Unauthorized reproduction, in any manner, is prohibited.

  Chapter One

  “I-I’m leaving you,” Bliss said with a shaky voice. She had it all planned. She was packed and ready to go. Her suitcase was sitting next to her at the doorway. The only hitch was him. He wasn’t supposed to come home and catch her leaving.

  “What’d you say?” he asked, coming through the door and pushing her back. He slammed the door shut behind him signaling that she was going nowhere.

  “Maverick…I can’t do this relationship anymore, and you told me if I was ever unhappy then I was welcome to leave, so that’s what I’m doing.” She tried clearing her voice to sound convincing, but she still sounded like a small child.

  “Wait a minute, don’t you think I’m unhappy?” He gritted. Bliss blinked, feeling the pain of the black eye she was still sporting.

  “Then if we’re both unhappy, we should just separate then, right?”

  “Come here, Bliss,” he said. She hesitated before she got closer to him. “Baby why you always wanna come with the I’m leaving you bullshit?” he asked.

  “Because I tell you to stop putting your hands on me, Maverick, and I-” Maverick’s large back hand came down hard across her face before the last words could leave her mouth. Both spit and blood left her mouth, flying across the foyer. Tears stung her eyes as the pain of the slap reverberated through her cheekbones. She brought teary eyes to him, while holding her cheek.

  “See what you make me do?” he asked. “We’re unhappy because you won’t stop fucking shit up with this ‘I’m leaving you bullshit’ . You know what else makes me fucking unhappy?” Bliss began to walk backwards as he started hovering over her. This was not supposed to go this way tonight. She was supposed to be home free, running until she couldn’t run anymore, feeling the cool air of the night whisk her into happiness, but instead, she was backing away from the most dangerous man she’d ever met.

  Maverick took something from his pocket and threw it at her. Her heart spiked, increasing its rate once she realized he knew one of her secrets.

  “What’s that?” he asked her. “And don’t fucking lie to me, because I know exactly what it is, and I know how long you’ve been using it, so woman up and tell me to my face the kind of secrets you been keeping.”

  “It’s birth control,” Bliss whispered.

  “And why do you have it?” He sneered. “Didn’t I tell you I don’t believe in birth control? Didn’t I tell you that I don’t want that bullshit in your body, so every fucking night I been pounding the shit out of you, waiting for you to give me a son, and you been on birth control? Lying to my face?” He raised his hand again, and Bliss cowered.

  “You’re pathetic!” he shouted at her, spit from his mouth landing on her. He finally let his hand fall against her face again.

  “So, you ain’t leaving to go no fucking where, Bliss, because you promised me a fucking son, and you ain’t leaving until you give me one!”

  “I-I can’t have your babies.” Bliss cried. She didn’t want to bear a child for an abusive man like him. She just couldn’t.

  “Aye, your daddy was the one who gave you to me, Bliss, so here is where your ass is gonna stay, and as long as me and daddy are in business, you’re my fucking woman. You’re not gonna have me out here looking like a goddamn fool because you want to leave for your own selfish reasons.” He grabbed onto her neck and brought her close to his face. Bliss scratched at his hands as her eyes watered.

  “You wanna die?” He gritted. Bliss shook her head hard praying that he didn’t kill her right there and then.

  “You try and leave me again, Bliss, and I will fucking kill you. If I can’t have you, then no fucking body will.” He squeezed her neck tight for another minute before he let her go. She fell in a heap onto the ground rasping for breath. She heard when his zipper came down. She began shaking her head. How much more of this could she take?

  “Get on your fucking knees.” He grunted standing over her. Bliss wiped her eyes. When she got on her knees, she felt his heavy arousal against her head.

  “Don’t make me shove it down your throat.” He threatened. Fighting back her tears, Bliss opened her mouth and let him shove his growing arousal into her mouth, but she didn’t pleasure him. She couldn’t. She just put her mouth around him and refused to do anything else.

  “Have it your way,” he said. He held the back of her head and began thrusting his hips forward, fucking her mouth hard. Bliss closed her eyes, feeling just as pathetic as he called her. This was supposed to be the relationship that changed her life. This was supposed to be the relationship where she finally became a wife and a mother, but yet, still no matter what Bliss did, Maverick was never satisfied, and she was fed up. She’d had enough.

  Bliss choked and coughed as Maverick shouted and released his bitter seed into her mouth. Now that things were getting out of control, Bliss began to realize how much things about Maverick she didn’t even like, and being committed to someone, you were supposed to love how they tasted, and Bliss just didn’t--maybe because she was forcing this relationship, but she was through. Fuck his threats, Bliss was going to leave.

  “Tomorrow morning, we’re going straight to the doctor so we can find out how I can get my seed inside you,” he said boldly. Ever since they started dating, he was obsessed with her having his ‘son’, and she had no idea why.


  “Shut up.” He grumbled. “I’ve had enough of your ass.” He kicked her in the stomach before he walked off. Bliss gripped her stomach and vomited almost immediately. Sitting in front of her vomit with his semen still coating her mouth made her feel disgusting, but how else was she supposed to feel?

  After cleaning up the mess, and then the rest of the house, Bliss snuck off to the back patio of the large house she shared with Maverick. She didn’t know where he was, but he was nowhere around. She quickly dialed her father.

  “Hey, my pretty girl,” he answered the phone smoothly.

  “Daddy,” she whispered. “You have to come and get me.”

  “Get you? From where?”

  “From Maverick’s house. He’s not letting me leave, and I want to go. I have to get out of here.”

  “Well, why do you want to le
ave?” he asked.

  “Daddy, he-he hits me. Every day he slaps me or punches me, and he’s threatening to kill me. Please Daddy, come and get me.” There was a long pause. Bliss was sure the man she looked up to all her life and the man she thought was her personal super hero was brimming with anger at what Maverick had been doing to her.

  “Bliss Jones.” He finally spoke. “If that man is hitting you, then I want to know what you’re doing to provoke him.” Bliss felt her heart plummet to the ground. Her pores closed on her skin making her feel cold blooded.

  “I don’t do anything.” She breathed. “He just wants things out of me that I can’t give. I do not love him.”

  “Well, that doesn’t matter!” He boomed. “You’re going to stay with him, and you’re going to give him sons and act like you’re in love. Do you know how much is at stake here? I raised you to be an obedient woman, Bliss, so act like it!” The phone clicked in her ear. Bliss couldn’t believe what she was hearing. Her own father subjecting her to this kind of behavior. She realized then that no other man on this planet would help her, especially if her own father wouldn’t.

  Fear gripped through Bliss, but she was going to let that power her. She’d been submissive to Maverick for too long.


  In the late night hours on top of the mountain where Maverick lived, Bliss listened to the sounds of nature just outside of the balcony. She pretended to be asleep when Maverick entered their bedroom.

  “Bliss.” He called to her. She kept her mouth quiet. After a moment, he turned and left the room. She had no idea what he was up to, but she didn’t care. She had a small bag packed waiting for her hidden under the bed. Once he left the room, Bliss waited until she heard his footsteps walk down the hall. She quickly shoved the sheets back and grabbed the joggers she was hiding underneath the covers. Once she was dressed, she shoved her feet into her sneakers, then grabbed the small bag. The only way of escaping was out of the room because their bedroom was on the second level, and it was too high for her to jump down from.

  Bliss tiptoed out of the room but pulled up short when she heard Maverick’s deep voice.

  “What am I gonna do with her?” Maverick spoke.

  “That’s for you to figure out! The deal was that I provided you with a woman to have your damn son, and then I’d be given powers too! If you wanna fuck that up, that’s on you, not me!” Bliss covered her mouth when she heard her father respond. What in the hell did he mean about ‘powers’ ?

  “Bryce, you need to convince her to stop running away from me! You’re her goddamn father!”

  “I already told her that when she called me today, so what, you gonna keep treating her like a punching bag?”

  “If she fucking listened, then I wouldn’t have to, and you will not get any kind of powers if I don’t get what we agreed on, and I promise if she causes any more trouble, I will kill her.” Bliss shook her head. She didn’t know what kind of freaky shit they were on, but she wasn’t sticking around to hear anymore. She continued off down the hall, making sure to keep as silent as possible. Maverick’s house was up to date and in perfect condition. If she didn’t make a sound, there were no squeaky tiles or doors to give away that she was trying to walk out on him. Through the dark house, she maneuvered as quickly as possible. When she spotted the back door, elation filled her body. She was going to be free. Once she hit the woods, she knew she could outrun Maverick. His nose was too far up his ass to chase her in the woods. Bliss ran towards the back door and flew it open.

  “Really, Bliss?” Maverick asked her. She bumped into his chest and fell back hard. “I thought we had an agreement?”

  “Please, Mave, I just want to get out of here.”

  “Okay, fine. Then leave.” But he didn’t move from the doorway. Bliss stood slowly wondering if he was playing games with her.


  “If you can get past me, Bliss, then you’re free to go,” he interrupted. She was confused on the kind of mind games he was playing. There was no way she would be physically able to go by him.

  “Come on. You wanna leave so bad, get by me.” Bliss hugged her bag. She figured she could bulldoze through him if she hit him in the family jewels. He wouldn’t be prepared for that, so she took her deep breath and ran towards him, screaming out to instill some kind of fear in him. She lowered her shoulder and landed directly in his balls. When he bent over in pain, she pushed him out of the way and continued running. Her thoughts of freedom were cut short. Bliss screamed as her neck nearly broke away from her head at the force of Maverick tugging at her curly hair. He yanked her back towards him as she tried to run in the opposite direction. She fought at his hold, but her neck was screaming in pain, so despite her efforts to fight him off, he eventually won out and dragged her back towards him by her hair. He turned her around, his hand still clutching her hair.

  “You see what she puts me through?” Maverick asked, looking over his shoulder. Bliss looked as well, seeing her father come out of the house, but he was in no rush to save her.

  “Now you’ll see what I will and won’t stand for,” Maverick said. He pulled his large swiss army knife from his pocket and flipped the blade out. Bliss’ eyes went wide at the weapon.

  “Wait, no-” She choked on her words as Maverick plunged the knife into her stomach. Her mouth was left open in a gasp as the pain shocked her body. Her stunned expression didn’t leave Maverick’s face. She wanted him to see what he was doing. But the blank stare that greeted her made Bliss’ death all the more painful. He pulled out the knife and gutted her once more. Weakness came over her body as she crumbled to the ground. Maverick pushed her to the ground harder. Blood coated his hands, and it didn’t affect him not one bit. Bliss felt herself getting light headed, and all she could think to herself was that she didn’t want to die. She didn’t live as much as she wanted to, and all because she was in search of love, she was lying in a pool of her own blood.

  Maverick stood above her, looking down at her as the blood drained slowly from her body. She was coughing, spitting up blood. She put a hand over her wound to try and stop the flow, but Maverick had made sure to cut her deep. There was no recovery from this. Too bad. She was a good piece of ass.

  “I’m going to dump her body in the woods,” Maverick said.

  “What about our deal?” Bryce asked. “Now that she’s dead, how am I going to get what I want?”

  “We can think something up. I may need you still.” Bryce put his hands in his pocket and just watched as Maverick picked up Bliss’ bleeding body and dragged her to his truck. He figured Bliss wouldn’t listen to his advice, so she brought this onto herself. It was sad, but that was life.

  Chapter Two

  Kellan Sebastian trotted through the woods owned by his family for as long as he could remember. Leaving his pack, being on this land was the closest he was going to feel to his parents. Being without his pack for a couple months now, he felt lonely as ever, but he’d prefer that than to go back to his pack. As he walked through the woods, he heard a snap of a twig behind him. He took a deep breath and sighed.

  “Why did you follow me here, Rita? The last time you came, I asked you not to come back.” he asked the female he knew was behind him, simply because of her scent, but truly, if she didn’t want her presence to be known, she wouldn’t have made it known.

  “You know why I followed you and came back,” she responded. “A wolf knows who her alpha is, and that monster, Maverick, is not my alpha--you are.” Kellan finally turned and looked at her. He told her time and time again that he wasn’t her alpha he was an omega--a lone wolf. Everyone knew that lone wolves never survived. He didn’t understand why she was subjecting herself to that kind of lifestyle.

  “Rita, you need to go back home. You’re supposed to be with your pack.”

  “I’m not going home until you come with me.”

  “That place is not my home,” Kellan responded. “Maverick killed my parents to become alpha, and my
bloodline died out. I have no place there, and I refuse to be in the kind of pack that Maverick has.”

  “So then start your own pack,” Rita said. Kellan scoffed.

  “You think it’s that easy? Everyone knows I’m an omega--a lone wolf. No one in their right mind would want to be in my pack.”

  “Well, I do, and we-we could start a new bloodline…together.” Kellan’s canines began to drop out of his gums at her suggestion. He closed the distance between them, looking her up and down. Kellan circled her. She was a beautiful woman. Her shoulder length sister locs made her look even more exotic than she was. Her skin was a light dusting of mocha. Back in their pack, he and Rita were always friends. He could fuck her and not regret it, but things were a little bit more complicated than that. There was something about her scent that his wolf didn’t love. His wolf tolerated her scent, but Kellan knew that’s not who he wanted.

  “You know we can’t,” he said when he finally stood in front of her.

  “I haven’t gone into heat yet for the year. When I do, then we can have pups, start our pack, and let’s face it, Kellan; if you’re going to be alpha, then you need a mate. I’m willing to give that to you.”

  “That’s why I’m not going to be alpha, Rita, and you’re a wonderful female. My wolf likes you, Rita, but you’re not our mate, and how quickly you forget that your true mate is one of my best friends.” Rita waved him off quickly.

  “Yeah, but I don’t think my wolf would mind making the sacrifice and fucking you. Besides, my so-called mate wants nothing to do with me.”

  “If the circumstances were different, Rita, I’d give you the fuck you want, but I’m not gonna fuck my friend’s mate. Bottom line.” She rolled her eyes. Her claws elongated, and she drew them across his chest.

  “We still need a pack,” she said. “So therein lies the real problem.”

  “You need to go back to Maverick, Rita. He can protect you. I can’t,” Kellan replied.