Tethered Trust: Book 2 (Limits of Love Series 3) Read online

Page 7

  “No, Sir.” But I could clearly hear the smile in her voice.

  “Watch it; I have no issues with reddening your ass tonight.”

  “I don’t doubt it.”

  If this was the real Vanessa, I was doomed. She was playful, and I liked it. “Grab the cane, crop, and flogger, girl.”

  She did, and we headed over to the spanking bench. I bent her over it and strapped her wrists and ankles in. She hesitated a bit but took a deep breath and relaxed into her restraints. I didn’t expect complete submission, but I did expect her to fight her flighty instincts to run. Her torso rested on the bench, but her ass was off of it and out perfectly. If sex wasn’t off the table, it would be the perfect angle for me to drive home any points that I needed to make. Upside was that anything that I did to her ass or thighs would go straight to her cunt. The angle pushed out her naughty bits just the way I liked. Perfection!

  The last scene was more emotional and, while I knew this one would hold some emotion, I was aiming for a sexual response this time. Last week made me wonder if she had numbed all of her feelings, or if they were waiting for the right things to make her body come alive. Whatever trauma she’d experienced could have made her remove herself from her sexuality altogether. Tonight, I wanted to play around with that.

  “What is your safe word?”


  “Good girl. For tonight, I want you to use the stoplight method. Green means that you’re good, yellow means that you need to slow down, and red means that we need to stop that portion of the scene.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  I used the flap of the crop to help me awaken her skin. Then I flogged her a few times and she groaned. From what I could tell, groaning was a sign that she was trying to bury something. If I had to make a million-dollar bet, it was her feelings and memories.

  “Bad girl.”

  I hit her with the cane and she tensed big time. It made me wonder if she was still breathing. I walked toward her head and spoke next to her ear.

  “Regardless of whatever is happening in the scene, it’s very important for you to breathe. You can breathe through most anything, and it prevents you from tensing so much. Tensing makes everything so much worse, even the pain.”

  “Yes, Sir.” Vanessa exhaled and tried to utilize the advice that I was giving her.

  I followed her breathing patterns as I warmed her up. Vanessa moaned as the intensity increased. Soon her panties dampened, communicating her arousal. That was better than spectacular. The fact that she was turned on told me that her body was more alive than I thought. I couldn’t help but to wonder what all that nectar tasted like. She smelled of strawberries and if she was that sweet before she was aroused, I could only guess what she smelled like now. To taste her? My dick hardened, and I groaned just thinking about it.

  In this position, she would feel everything from my tongue, lips, to the hardness of my shaft teasing her. The fact that she was helpless to get away made me want to tease her until she cried in frustration. Not just from her eyes, I wanted that sweet little pussy of hers to weep for me as she begged me to fuck her. Possessing her body would be so easy right now, and that was the exact reason why I wouldn’t.

  Once she was nice and tender, I stroked the perspired skin on her back. Vanessa shivered in response. She was in that state of hyperawareness that happened just before the endorphins took over. Now it was time to get a little therapy into the scene.

  “Pet, tell me what brought you here last week.”

  “I needed to be free.”

  “From what?”

  “My stress.”

  “Good girl.” I spanked her bottom with my hand and she moaned loudly. Fucking beautiful, that sound.

  “What are you running from?”


  “Are you in physical pain?”

  “No, Sir.”

  “Emotional discomfort?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Where are we?”

  “In the private room.”

  I heard a snicker from behind me and knew it was Shelly. I glared at her and she smiled. “I meant with your stop light.”

  “Oh! Why didn’t you say that?”

  I used the cane to deliver two thumps and she hissed. “Bad girl.”

  “Sorry, Sir.”

  “What color are you?”

  Vanessa paused, and I knew she was fighting the sarcasm. Brat. “Green, sir.”

  “Good. The more answers I get, the better your reward will be. We both know what you want, and the quicker we get answers, the better I’ll make it for you.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Why won’t you tell me what’s going on?”

  “I don’t want to put you in danger.”

  “How is the situation dangerous for me?”

  “Yellow.” I grew a bit frustrated.

  “Pet, you can’t yellow light every time that you don’t want to answer a question.”

  Vanessa stayed quiet. I caned her twice more and I heard a sniffle.

  “Let’s take another route. What caused you to react last week? Was it a visit? A call? A threat? A memory? Something in particular that made you upset?”

  “A phone call.”

  “Good girl.” I spanked her with my hand and she moaned lowly.

  “Is this situation something from your past or your present?”

  “Both. It’s more recurring.”

  I nodded, liking the added information. I spanked her twice this time and I watched her ass dip down as she moved her groin against the table. Aroused. Though she was suffering from some kind of trauma, she still liked the intimate touch more than she liked the instruments. It aroused her more than a little. I shifted my pants to adjust my erection. The movement gave me the perfect vision of what it would be like for her to ride me facing away. It was a damn good sight. It was going to be a long night, and by the end of it, my balls were going to be blue if she kept up her delicious responses.

  “Are there many people involved?”

  “No, not many.”

  “Can you tell me how many other people stand to get hurt or are in danger?”


  I nodded. “How long has this been going on?”

  “A little more than six years.”

  I saw red. What kind of shit was this that no one had done anything about it in over six years? She’d been running from this issue for a while. There was no telling if she’d ever let the truth come out. I didn’t know how embedded this issue was. I admired her strength, but I wanted something big from her. Something that would help me help her. Hopefully, divulging the information would help too.

  “Can you tell me something significant without compromising yourself?”

  Vanessa stayed quiet, and I thought that I’d lost her until I heard the sniffling. She was hurting, and I didn’t know how to fix it for her beyond what we did in here. All I had to comfort her was a few bundles of rope to hold her over. I rubbed her back, trying to give her the courage to say anything significant.

  I felt the trembling take hold of her as she tried to force back emotion that wanted voice. With more strength than I’d ever seen from anybody, she spoke.

  “He took away my best friend.” It was low, but I definitely caught it. She choked on a sob and the rest came pouring out. The sobs racked her body and she fought her restraints. She didn’t seem to want to get out, but she did want to do harm to whoever her demon was.

  “I hate him! Why did he take you from me? Danielle, I miss you so much!” Her screams grew, and her movements became more violent. I leaned over her and held her body tight to keep her from hurting herself.

  “No matter what happened, nobody deserves to lose the person who they’re closest to. Friends are around to be supportive, and best friends are that much more important to us. I’m sorry that you lost someone who meant the world to you.”

  “She didn’t deserve to die!”

  I froze. I didn’t know what else t
o say, so I held her still. Why was her friend dead? Who murdered her? Or was it that?

  “I hate you! I hate you!” Her sobs continued to pour from her soul. Her body was red with fury as if the memories were trying to escape from her pores. I admired her spirit. It had been hidden, and I wasn’t sure why. This Vanessa was willing to fight for her friend tooth and nail. The girl that I’d met last week was someone who needed taking care of and was fragile, not willing to show her strength.

  No matter what else happened, this was the thing that was monumental for her. I didn’t take it with a grain of salt, either. I rubbed her back as she let it all out. I was patient and waited to see where this would take us. When she grew silent and calmed, I leaned down to speak to her. Her tear-stained cheeks broke my heart, but her eyes gave me hope.

  “That’s enough for today. Let’s reward you for the gift that you’ve given me today. You ready to fly for me, kitten?”

  Vanessa’s voice was shaky and light at best. “Yes, Sir.”

  “That didn’t sound believable.”

  “Yes, Sir,” she spoke louder and clearer.

  “Good, girl.”

  I grabbed two bundles of rope and began weaving a simple design up her legs. Once done, I backed up. “Where are we?”

  “Green, Sir.” I heard the light slurring of her words and smiled.

  Vanessa needed to go to her safe place and had already prepared her mind to go there. It was time to give her some relief from her emotional anguish.


  I grabbed the floggers and stood behind her. I swung them and let the sound of the strands against the air prepare her for the blows that would follow. I didn’t bother taking my time because she was already warmed up. I wanted to reward her quickly and get her to a place of comfort. Each blow rained down on her ass and thighs in quick succession building her up quickly. A red welted pattern slowly appeared on her now blushing skin. This was the vision that I’d keep with me well after the scene.

  After a while, her panties grew soaked, her moans grew louder, and her body moved against the table. I didn’t think that she would respond so beautifully to the flogger, but she had. A general rule for me was that an orgasm required permission. But if she came before she hit subspace, I would dismiss the failed protocol. She deserved it. I spent a bit of time reddening her ass and thighs, leaving my mark on her beautiful skin.

  It was hard to believe that this was our second scene. Vanessa always dove head first into the sensations and let the impact items dictate her course. Her submission wasn’t taken lightly, and I knew if I wanted to, I could lose myself in her just as easily. She was sweet and, though she was using these scenes as therapy, she would make any dominant proud to have her serving them permanently. That dominant couldn’t be me, though.

  “Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!” she screamed.

  I sped up the blows and I noticed her body shaking as she fought to hold on to reality, her sanity already slipping. She liked pain on her restrained body, and I had plenty to spare. I delivered a succession of rapid slaps with the flogger, and her body started to convulse.

  “Estoy casi allí.”

  I took a chance and landed the next blows directly on to her covered cunt with the same intensity, and just as quickly she flew apart. Vanessa screamed, and her body grew limp as she disconnected. I continued building her up higher before I slowly brought her down. Her mind couldn’t comprehend the difference, but her body could.

  I walked around to her face and saw how peaceful she was. She panted through her exhaustion and sweat rolled down her face. The strides we’d made today weren’t lost on me. Vanessa submitted everything that she could, and it was more than I could ever ask for.

  Vanessa’s eyes were closed, displaying her long lashes against her naturally tanned skin. Though her cheeks were tear stained, there was no denying the strength underneath her barricaded wall of emotions. Her fucking lips were my favorite part. They appeared soft and luscious. Ripe to be taken with mine. A very close second was her hair, hair that I could play in for hours. Fisting her hair as I took her mouth would be more addicting than the best drugs. I had a feeling that one taste would be too much to ever walk away from. That’s why I didn’t.

  I untied the ropes and unclipped her from the bench. I picked her up and headed over to the couch where I laid her head in Shelly’s lap. I placed the blanket that was over the back of the couch on top of her to ward off the chills that would come. Renee grabbed water and chocolate while I cleaned up from the scene. I turned to see Shelly rubbing heat into Vanessa’s shoulders and I tried not to care that it wasn’t me. Getting closer to her in that way wasn’t a part of the plan, and there was no point in deviating from it. I was here to help her, and that’s what I would do.

  I could handle fucking. Fucking was what I was good at. But the emotional shit that went with it, I could do without. Getting wrapped up in Vanessa would be emotional. I knew it with every breath I took that she would be my downfall. I didn’t need that shit. Not her sweet kisses, her beautiful fucking hair, her luscious ass, or the way she relaxed into my touch. None of it was worth the shit storm that would follow. This was an arrangement. No emotions. Aftercare was but an emotional filled scene that I believed should only be shared with a submissive that was yours. And Vanessa wasn’t mine.

  I heard Vanessa stirring, and I grabbed my bag. My work here was done. I walked over, kissed her forehead, and walked to the exit.

  “Shelly, call me if you need anything.”

  “Jamar...” Shelly called after me as I walked out of the room. I tuned her out, headed home to shower, and rinse a certain Spanish vixen from my thoughts. They were filled with nothing but ideas on how to claim every inch of her body. That shit could never happen. Ever.

  Chapter 10: Vanessa

  The following session between Master J and I went just as smoothly. I hated to admit that I was starting to trust him. I don’t know if it was the presence of Mistress X and Renee, or if it was because of how patient he was with me during our scenes. He always focused on me and giving me what I needed. The only thing that bothered me was that, after the scenes, Mistress X was the one that administered the aftercare. I don’t know if it bothered him to make sure that I was okay, or if he just wasn’t interested. I was growing irritated with his antics, though. He could at least stay to make sure that I was cared for properly.

  Master J started a ritual where I was required to text him before bed. Our conversation wasn’t anything heavy, just him making sure that I was okay. I looked forward to it and found myself getting anxious to text him nightly. I mainly talked about my day and school, but he showed interest in it nonetheless. That didn’t remedy my need for him after scenes. It felt like avoidance somehow.

  As I was getting ready for my fourth session, I got a text from him.

  Master J: We’re meeting at my house for this session instead of the club. Mistress X and her pet will meet you here. Be prompt as always.

  Me: Why is the meeting place changing?

  Master J: Are you questioning me?

  I flinched. I didn’t like where this was going. My anxiety rose, making me stand to pace. His aggression always made me want to flee. Master J wasn’t here to hurt me, right? This was going to be okay. Mistress X and Renee would still be there to help and make sure that I was safe. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and replied.

  Me: Not at all. I was just curious, Sir.

  Master J: The room that we normally use has already been requested for a special scene. Master Howard called to warn me, so I decided that I’d use my own space for our upcoming scene. Concerns?

  Me: Yes. I don’t like change.

  Master J: Understood. I’ll help you cope. Same rules will apply once you’re here. I know that you usually prepare mentally with Renee for your scene, and she’ll be here early.

  Me: Thank you, Sir. I really do appreciate the foresight.

  Master J: That’s what I’m here for. I’ll see you so
on, pet. Make sure that you wear something nice for me.

  Me: ☺ Always!

  I went shopping with Renee this past weekend, and I found a red number that I thought he would love. It was a red satin tank that hit my thighs with a built-in bra. It bore a black design on the front as well as garter belt strings hanging from it. I purchased some thin, lace thigh bands to hook them to instead of wearing stockings. I usually spend a good bit of time on my knees in the beginning, and I didn’t want to ruin them. I purchased a red satin G-string to go underneath and finished the ensemble off with a pair of black heels.

  The last session that I had with him, I hadn’t bothered to wear clothes on top of my lingerie. I’d packed a bag with my clothes inside and wore a trench coat that I buttoned and tied tightly. I wore only enough make up to bring out my eyes and put on a couple coats of lip balm. I always threw on my strawberry body mist that I knew Master J loved to complete the look. He was very appreciative when he walked in. I didn’t know if I could top that one. I wish I could say that I’d been bold enough to do it on my own, but I wasn’t. Renee dared me, and I couldn’t back away from the challenge.

  I wasn’t sure how much Master J was actually attracted to me because he still hadn’t made any moves or advancements, but I always made sure to look nice for him. The time that I spent not only gave him something to enjoy, but it made me feel special and sexy. I hadn’t felt either of those in a long time. Back in high school, there was always some guy trying to date me, or looking for a cheap moment, but I didn’t take any of them seriously.

  While it may seem that this was just the same, it wasn’t. Master J took damn good care of me during each session, taking nothing for himself. That’s why I tried my best to be as appealing to him as possible. It was my way of giving back after he’d helped me so much by giving me his time. I just wished that he stayed around for the aftercare. Was cuddling too much to ask for? I wanted to hear the concern in his voice when he asked how I was feeling instead of reading it on the screen. Hearing him say goodnight would help to chase away the demons I fought when I slept. I didn’t mean to sound needy, but for once I wanted to hear from him that everything would be OK. His assurances through text were nice, but not as fulfilling as they could be.